Welcome to THRIVE (The Healthy Relationship and Interpersonal Violence Education)! We are Emporia State University’s place to be if you are interested in promoting healthy relationships, sexual assault prevention, and domestic abuse prevention. THRIVE is a peer education RSO, focusing on supporting students learn to support their peers with positive presentations, conversations, and events for the student body.
By joining THRIVE you join a community of people who have passion for healthy relationships and sexual assault prevention. 2 meetings a month where you can provide and workshop ideas to improve Emporia State and make it healthier and safer. You also get good opportunities to help put on events and support local organizations that support survivors of domestic abuse.
Email thrive@emporia.edu or come to our meetings on the first and third Mondays of every month to learn about upcoming events. Check back soon to learn about Emporia State's What Were They Wearing display and projects open for public participation.